Junior React Developer / Front End Developer

Hi, my name is Jessica Aronov

I am originally from France and lived abroad for many years. I started coding more than a year ago and got immediately fascinated by it. I’ve completed a first workshop in which I gained basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript and realized a first project, a landing page. Then I followed a Front End development course in which I learned more advanced HTML, CSS and Javascript and also started to use other tools such as API, Bootstrap, GitHUb to finally be hosting my first App (a weather App) on Netlify. Once this workshop completed, I've started to learn React.js and gained an understanding of JSX /XML. This has been a real breakthrough, the power of React.js blew my mind. I realized two more projects with search engine and API integration. In the first one, featured below I refactored my Weather App with React.js, my third project is a dictionary with React.js. My 4th project is a responsive app realized with with HTML, CSS, Javascript and also API integration. My 5th project is an expenses chart built with HTML, CSS, Javascript and the data is retrieved from a JSON file. My last project is a website for French classes realized with HTML, CSS, Javascript, animations and a contact form.